Thursday, April 19, 2012

An act of immorality or compassion: A mother selling herself to support her children? - Page 3

Or she could become a maid or janitor and feed her kids twice a day.|||Quote:

Or she could become a maid or janitor and feed her kids twice a day.

Exactly, Yaboosh. Exactly.|||Quote:

So, leaving your children as orphans is compassionate and showing your love?

Well lets say your kids are starving and you take a job as a security guard to feed them. It's a dangerous job in some cases. Well one day I guy breaks-in sees you and shoots you dead, thus leaving your children orphans.

You incompassionate prick. How could you leave your children like that!

All you're doing is placing Judeo-Christian values (that nobody follows to the letter anyway) upon another human in an attempt to control their actions that in no way have any effect on you.

Its her body and her choice of what to do with it as she sees best. Before you comment on "people like that" go see how they live. Walk through the streets of Cambodia or Laos or... and see the poverty and what it takes to survive. You might not be so quick to judge what people do to stay alive and provide for their families. :soapbox:

BTW I'll say that I'd never use a prostitute (although I know many who do in these regions) for several reasons but I'd never judge the woman for her choice. It's sad to say, but this time Don is right |||Oh, OK, I didn't know we could throw out the situation described in the OP and create new opportunities for her. :-P|||Quote:

Or she could become a maid or janitor and feed her kids twice a day.

Funny not many jobs like that in countries with ONE paved road where 30% of the population begs for a living. But I'm sure if you guys ride through on your high horses you could hire all the poor of the nation as stable hands.|||We are perfectly following the original post. He said she could be a maid or a janitor, but couldn't make enough to feed her family 3 meals a day. Don't say nothing about being incapable of feeding them twice a day.|||Ah, well, there you have it. Undernourished and moral it is.|||Quote:

Well lets say your kids are starving and you take a job as a security guard to feed them. It's a dangerous job in some cases. Well one day I guy breaks-in sees you and shoots you dead, thus leaving your children orphans.

You incompassionate prick. How could you leave your children like that!

All you're doing is placing Judeo-Christian values (that nobody follows to the letter anyway) upon another human in an attempt to control their actions that in no way have any effect on you.

Its her body and her choice of what to do with it as she sees best. Before you comment on "people like that" go see how they live. Walk through the streets of Cambodia or Laos or... and see the poverty and what it takes to survive. You might not be so quick to judge what people do to stay alive and provide for their families. :soapbox:

BTW I'll say that I'd never use a prostitute (although I know many who do in these regions) for several reasons but I'd never judge the woman for her choice. It's sad to say, but this time Don is right

Compare the prevalence of AIDS among prostitutes to the number of security guards who are shot, please.

EDIT: Judeo-Christian values? Where? I'm talking about making pisspoor decisions.

EDIT: I spent the first 15+ years of my life eating 1 meal a day, 2 on rare occasions. I know what it's like to be dirt poor, and not have enough to eat. I also spent the better part of my adult life working with the underarm of society in a state prison, and I've seen the effect of poverty on some of them. You don't have to live in Cambodia to see destitution.

As far as trying to control someone: I was answering the question honestly, and as it was asked. I have no control over whether this prostitute lives or dies. Ya'll are all talking like being a whore is her only means of making money and feeding her brats. I say it's one of the worst ways to do that. You think it'd be just peachy. We disagree, apparently.|||Lets do a comparison:

5 years of 3 meals a day= (5x365x3)=5475 meals

18 years of 2 meals a day= (18x365x2)=13140

There you have it, infallible proof that morality has nothing to do with it. It is simple utility.|||Quote:

EDIT: Judeo-Christian values? Where? I'm talking about making pisspoor decisions.

Then why do you view prosititution as immoral?


Compare the prevalence of AIDS among prostitutes to the number of security guards who are shot, please.

Well how about you join the military. I think well find the numbers quite comparable.

So would you be suggesting that all soldiers with children have no compassion for their children? Think before you answer Mr. Kerry.

Do you understand the slippery slope you've choosen yet?

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