There is no absolute truth, there are only opinions.
Also known as the grey pudding philosophy. Sorry, but you are wrong. While there is no absolute black or white, things can be so shaded to one side or the other that it can be clearly and absolutely stated that it is black or white.
Some people might say that's why the US is completely screwed.
The Borg, maybe. |||Quote:
Also known as the grey pudding philosophy. Sorry, but you are wrong. While there is no absolute black or white, things can be so shaded to one side or the other that it can be clearly and absolutely stated that it is black or white.
OK then, I won't change the topic to philosophy and quantum mechanics. I fully agree to your last sentence, but I seriously doubt that you know what the truth is .
The Borg, maybe.
I hope you feel comfortable with your view of other people .|||Quote:
There is no absolute truth, there are only opinions.
Is that your opinion?
(More seriously, are you making a statement about reality, or a statement about our ability to perceive it? Because I do believe there is an absolute truth, even if we may not always be able to determine what it is, exactly.)|||Quote:
There is no absolute truth, there are only opinions.
Some people might say that's why the US is completely screwed.
Just because I throw rocks at people that say that to me in Real Life here, and gradually increase how hard I throw them, while yelling "Is this ReAL?"
is n0 reason n0t to visit krischan.
There is no absolute truth, there are only opinions.
See, you really should have taken the red pill.
Some people might say that's why the US is completely screwed.
While others might say that sticking our collective heads up our arses and pretending that there's such a thing as a free lunch is the obvious cause.|||Regarding the truth versus opinions, the more you write, the more am I convinced of my point.
BTW, I'm not among those who say that the US are screwed. I'm just saying it in that manner to provoke those who try to tell me that whatever it is about, it's all the fault of somebody else.|||Quote:
Regarding the truth versus opinions, the more you write, the more am I convinced of my point.
Odd, I came to that very same conclusion a while ago. Truth and fact are solid concepts, no matter how much you might wish to water them down.
BTW, I'm not among those who say that the US are screwed.
I am. It's not irreversible, but you better enjoy bailing out Greece because we're still helping you foot the bill for your neighbor's foul recklessness. Pretty soon we're going to have been fecked over so badly by our political establishment that there will be no way to recover. But that's what some of them have in mind, like George Soros' allies.
I'm just saying it in that manner to provoke those who try to tell me that whatever it is about, it's all the fault of somebody else.
As the Greeks say, 'we all ate at the same table'. That ignores the fact that so many didn't do anything but stuff their faces, but it remains "true".|||Quote:
Odd, I came to that very same conclusion a while ago. Truth and fact are solid concepts, no matter how much you might wish to water them down.
If I accept something as the truth, then it will be what I regard as such, no matter what you believe to be true. Which brings us back to the point of opinions and the truth. We are running in circles here. I say the Wembley goal in 1966 was none, you say it was.
I wouldn't say that the US are screwed. Greece is screwed. the US still has a bit of time to change their economic system into something which achieves more things on its own instead of funding its imports by printing the money demanded by a growing world market. That might not work infinitely long and if it stops working, the US are screwed themselves.
I cannot accept making debts in most cases and I'm rather angry about the debts which Germany has. I actually expect our country not to have any debts at all, with a very few exceptions. Exceptions from which we are far away since WW2.
Regarding Greece: They ate too much cake and if they want our cure, they must take our pills. They can try their own medicine, but then they have to pay their bills or alse. Since when is it a valid argument to call somebody a nazi because he wants his money back? Their complaining about why it's not their fault sounds like self-pity.|||Quote:
I don't like Obama as much as you might think, but I think Bush was far worse. Independently from his party membership, he allowed himself to appear as incompetent in the eyes of the world.
Interesting opinion and I wonder how you came to that. Regardless, I hope you make the distinction between appearance and reality.
The strategy of discrediting political opponents doesn't work that well on Obama than on Bush because he has more charisma, a better instinct and thus less of an aura of incompetence than Bush.
LMAO. I don't even know how to reply to that.
It's tougher to discredit Obama than to make Bush or Sarah Palin look like idiots.
Not at all. Are you forgetting that Obama was mostly known for voting "present" rather than yes or no when he was in the state senate? He would rarely take a stand on issues which to me is idiotic. Bush and Palin at least had experience in the executive branch.
BTW, beft and right is relative to what's in the middle, but the middle of the US is a lot to the right of what's typically the middle of most European states. In an European context, I don't think there are many leftists in the US. Obama is none. He would be a right wing social democrat at most.
No offense but I'm glad I don't live there.|||Quote:
If I accept something as the truth, then it will be what I regard as such, no matter what you believe to be true.
You are confusing perspective with fact.
Fact: Obama was a Marxist.
Opinion: Obama is a Marxist.
Fact: Obama was a Muslim.
Opinion: Obama is a Muslim.
P.S. You've definitely misunderstood American politics, and it harkens back to your failure to comprehend the role of media filtering. Obama is far left even by European standards; he's the sort of fruitcake that even Die Linke might consider extreme. That's not something the media will ever show to the American consumer, nor is it something he's quite stupid enough to discuss openly now. But there's plenty of evidence in his past to substantiate it.
I wouldn't say that the US are screwed. Greece is screwed.
The U.S. is in worse economic shape then Greece, but the international community is trying to pretend otherwise. Greece produces less, and allows far greater levels of corruption by their rich elites, but a socialist society without funding remains a socialist society without funding.
I cannot accept making debts in most cases and I'm rather angry about the debts which Germany has. I actually expect our country not to have any debts at all, with a very few exceptions.
Can you imagine how <I> feel, considering that we're borrowing Chinese money to give to Greece?
Regarding Greece: They ate too much cake and if they want our cure, they must take our pills. They can try their own medicine, but then they have to pay their bills or alse.
You really believe that? Greece will default on what they owe you, I guarantee it - there's not enough Ouzo in the land to ever suffice, and just like any other socialist they'll hatefully abuse you all the while for not giving them the shirt off your back and the lunch from your plate.
The question then is, does Europe collapse back into the traditional bunch of squabbling infants, or does George Soros manage to pull of his fascist coup?
Since when is it a valid argument to call somebody a nazi because he wants his money back? Their complaining about why it's not their fault sounds like self-pity.
Hey, you and others swallow that claptrap hook, line, and sinker about us Tea Party types. But it's ALWAYS different when you're the one having to open your wallet, now isn't it?
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