Wednesday, April 18, 2012

So bombing people isn't hostile..... - Page 5

Regarding Greece and the US: It seems I'm a Tea Party follower when it's about debts .

The US might have a higher per capita debts or debts in comparison to the national gross product (I'm not sure), but unlike Greece, the US has a powerful economy, a decent infrastructure, skilled workers, engineers and scientists. It's among the technologically leading countries for a reason and that's not just because they won WW2.

Regarding Obama the leftist: There are full-fledged orthodox Marxists in Die Linke, like Sahra Wagenknecht. Obama is nowhere near that. I despise that party BTW.


Interesting opinion and I wonder how you came to that. Regardless, I hope you make the distinction between appearance and reality.

That distinction was my point. I only talked about impressions which most people have on Obama and Bush here. I actually don't think that Bush was as incompetent as he appeared and I don't think that Obama is such a wonderful politician.


LMAO. I don't even know how to reply to that.

Maybe you confuse their impression here with my opinion, but I often have problems with making it apparent enough . Obama appears in a better light than Bush here. The truth might be different.


Not at all. Are you forgetting that Obama was mostly known for voting "present" rather than yes or no when he was in the state senate? He would rarely take a stand on issues which to me is idiotic. Bush and Palin at least had experience in the executive branch.

That's your opinion. It doesn't seem to match with what people bnelieve about him here. You certainly have more information about him than people here, but sometimes it makes sense to consider the opinions of people who might be more unbiased about these issues.


No offense but I'm glad I don't live there.

There's nothing wrong with preferring your home country to any other place in the world. I share that feeling.|||Quote:

Obama is far left even by European standards; he's the sort of fruitcake that even Die Linke might consider extreme.

I've been trying to resist all this, but damn, this is like listening to someone talking about the conspiracy to hide the fact that the earth is only 6000 years old.


LOL, when outsourcing that smiley, I stumbled upon this and thought it was funny:



Regarding Greece and the US: It seems I'm a Tea Party follower when it's about debts .

Even when that means cutting back on your own gravy? Color me skeptical.


Obama is nowhere near that.

Just because he's not quite as much of a buffoon as to march in parades doesn't mean he's not of the same stripe. To say nothing of being an overt racist.


I've been trying to resist all this, but damn, this is like listening to someone talking about the conspiracy to hide the fact that the earth is only 6000 years old.

Oh, so you've read "Dreams of My Father" and studied his background, upbringing, and scant public record, and come to a different conclusion? Do tell, WTF is he if not what he's openly said he is? To say nothing of being judged by the company he keeps, which he reiterated during the election?

Or are you just talking out of your arse, desperately trying to take a loudly-proclaimed dump on the truth I've related because you're so ashamed of what he has wrought? Had enough, yet?|||pictures aren't funny just because they have cats in them|||Quote:

Oh, so you've read "Dreams of My Father" and studied his background, upbringing, and scant public record, and come to a different conclusion? Do tell, WTF is he if not what he's openly said he is? To say nothing of being judged by the company he keeps, which he reiterated during the election?

Or are you just talking out of your arse, desperately trying to take a loudly-proclaimed dump on the truth I've related because you're so ashamed of what he has wrought? Had enough, yet?

Have you even been around for the last couple years, or were you too busy hiding in your fallout shelter waiting for the welfare-zombie apocalypse? He has been painfully moderate and accommodating to people (like you) who think that unless the rich can take EVERYTHING from EVERYONE, then we live in the USSR. Where's the far-leftist policies? Cap and Trade? You mean like Daddy Bush did with CFCs? ObamaCare? You mean like what Mitt Romney did and the Republicans were proposing in the 90's? Taking it easy on illegal immigrants? You mean like Lord and Saviour Ronald Reagan ACTUALLY DID in the 80's? Spend trillions of dollars without a means to pay for it? You mean like Reagan and W.? Give Wall St. endless money and the keys to the store? Like George W. Bush's last act in office? Bombing other countries that didn't attack us? Does the hypocrisy never end? Oh wait, it's just the fact the he believes for an economy to function, the supply side isn't the only thing that matters.

In any other time (and if he was a different color), he could pass for a moderate Republican.


pictures aren't funny just because they have cats in them

Of course they are. Don't make me come in there, Mr. Rapeface.|||Quote:

Just because he's not quite as much of a buffoon as to march in parades doesn't mean he's not of the same stripe. To say nothing of being an overt racist.

Yeah, maybe you are a socialist as well .

I think you just want him to be like that, so he can be in the same boat with Stalin and Hitler for you.|||The Politicians boat is full of crooks. But it's organized crime|||Quote:

Yeah, maybe you are a socialist as well .

I think you just want him to be like that, so he can be in the same boat with Stalin and Hitler for you.

Right. The man only surrounds himself with socialists, takes advice from and works with socialists, pushes for socialist policies, spews socialist rhetoric, was raised and taught by socialists (well, communists actually), commends socialist actions.....well, actually, that is a lot of socialist tendencies....

But he said he wasn't a socialist, so obviously he can't be one. |||Quote:

Have you even been around for the last couple years, or were you too busy hiding in your fallout shelter waiting for the welfare-zombie apocalypse?

I have a job, if that's what you're asking. But he still destroyed $20K of my savings. I love the way you have no answer to anything I asked, and have to go on your little tantrum to try to deflect:


He has been painfully moderate and accommodating to people (like you) who think that unless the rich can take EVERYTHING from EVERYONE, then we live in the USSR.

Oh, you must be insane. Sorry, I didn't know. I guess in your world, the economy is vibrant and the Gov't doesn't control over 50% of everything.


Where's the far-leftist policies?

Take your pick - you do know, of course, that the President doesn't actually make policy? Or were you talking about his czars and regulation angle? Because there's plenty of examples there as well.


Cap and Trade? You mean like Daddy Bush did with CFCs?

No, like the EPA 'outlawing' CO2.


ObamaCare? You mean like what Mitt Romney did and the Republicans were proposing in the 90's?

No, like Mao and the 'barefoot doctors'. I bet you got a waiver, like the rest of the Party members in good standing.


Taking it easy on illegal immigrants? You mean like Lord and Saviour Ronald Reagan ACTUALLY DID in the 80's?

No, like pulling the funding to continue building a fence, and doubling down on policies designed to allow illegals to continue voting in CA.


Spend trillions of dollars without a means to pay for it? You mean like Reagan and W.? Give Wall St. endless money and the keys to the store? Like George W. Bush's last act in office?

You're laughable. Your argument revolves around "but your guys did it first", without recognizing the obvious:


Bombing other countries that didn't attack us?

No, just getting approval from Congress for it. Interesting how one of the few areas he's <NOT> being a crypto-fascist in is the military, and the GOP would support him, if only he'd follow the rules...


Oh wait, it's just the fact the he believes for an economy to function, the supply side isn't the only thing that matters.

Like he knows anything whatsoever about economics, history, or military affairs. He boasted of his ignorance on these matters, since you are allergic to reality.


In any other time (and if he was a different color), he could pass for a moderate Republican.

Oh, that's right, it's not that he's a self-proclaimed Marxist and you're full of indefensible shyte that you have to irrationally cry, "But you hit me first!" / "It's Bush/itler's fault!!".

It's that I'm RAAACISSSTTTTTTT!!!! Hilarious, coming from <you> at <me>.

But us dumb neegros don't know what's guud fur us, yesmassah?


Yeah, maybe you are a socialist as well .

Oh, didn't you know?


I think you just want him to be like that, so he can be in the same boat with Stalin and Hitler for you.

The point isn't that going Godwin has any legitimacy in this case. It's that the policies Obama embraces are clearly socialist, as are those of many other American Democrats and Progressives. The issue is that rational people recognize (or at least have started to recognize) that there's a balance that must be achieved between socialism and capitalism. Socialism is a cancer that has to have capitalism to survive, while capitalism is in essence Darwinist survival and would have us all living in caves and trying to steal or kill from others. Americans mostly recognize that we're dying of socialism at present, but while some of us think we're a walking corpse (me), others believe that we can be turned into a superior mutant form of life (Soros and his creature). And the latter intends to steal everything from our corpse in the process.|||I didn't do a Godwyn in here, I just referred to previous Godwyns by you . Do you remember our debates when you wrote that nazis a socialists as well? I agree that it was like that to a certain extent, but that had an end with the assassination of R�hm.


Right. The man only surrounds himself with socialists, takes advice from and works with socialists, pushes for socialist policies, spews socialist rhetoric, was raised and taught by socialists (well, communists actually), commends socialist actions.....well, actually, that is a lot of socialist tendencies....

But he said he wasn't a socialist, so obviously he can't be one.

A full-blown socialist would laugh into the face of a "goddamn capitalist" like Obama.

The term "socialist" obviously has a different meaning in the US than in Europe.

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