I have narrowed my choice down to two breeds: Great Dane and Newfoundland. The Newf is the one I am leaning to.
Anyone have any experience with the giant breed dogs? I know about the health concerns..ie bloat, dysplasia and such.
I realize the Newfs are a huge grooming dog...and they drool quite a bit. I have read they are the best family dog...I hope that includes cats. I would be buying a puppy so she will grow up with them.||||||Get a Dane mix - I like Dane and Ridgeback myself - you get the personality and size without the health problems.
and A Pure Danes not going to want to go on long hikes.
Big but Lazy but a cross with a more active type of big dog will help.
I liked the ridge-back cross - gives a nice alert on him in the ridge pop and a good warm weather pack hunting dog with size and a good temperament..
Great dane makes the cross less active
and IMHO Danes are the best dog type temperament wise,
Also; I have a pool and want the dog out of it.
and self-shedding was cool as well - no brushing really required as compared to a newfee
Which I vote 4 as well if you live in a colder doormat zone
I'm shopping a ridge-back Dane cross mom as Dane right now.
My dog Jackson was +120 LB's and fit in his prime.
I really want a whole pack of dogs.

Problems? Be prepared for a dog that can - and at first, will - grab food straight off of tables or counters. Ed also did this thing where he would scooch closer and closer to you if you had any food and eventually get close enough that he could breathe on it. Popcorn during a movie? Be careful.
The only other thing I can think of is that keeping a dog that large exercised and fed right is a very involved thing. And the whole bathing situation, but I'm sure you know that. Oh, and while it may be cute as a puppy, letting it climb in your lap can be a bad habit if you want to keep your legs.|||Quote:
I quoted your post in an attempt to fix the youtube embed. Just to throw out 2 more breeds, we grew up with an Alaskan Malamute and an Akita. Neither were what I would call small dogs.|||i grew up with an Akita when i was younger. he was black, fluffy, and Mom had named him Thor. VERY good guard dog and he was very protective of my younger sister when she was a baby. Akitas are pretty cool.

Regardless of what you choose keep a few things in mind: when you get him/her neutered/spayed ask for a gastropexy. This surgery basically sutures their stomach to the abdominal wall; it doesn't prevent a bloat but does greatly reduce the chance that they will. Keep exercise separated from feeding by 2-3 hours. Food bowl elevation is touted by breeders but there is actually no evidence (aside from anecdotal) that it helps anything.
Giant breeds also tend to be less active so taking one hiking, etc. might not work out like you hope. A big dog might be better suited for that but the heart wants what the heart wants. Keep him/her fed a giant breed specific puppy food for at least a year; they grow for a much longer time than other breeds so need the extra nutrition. Stay away from "all life stages" foods and don't go for the hype of "all natural" or "mostly meat" brands. Brands like Purina, Science Diet, etc. are all extremely well-researched foods with high quality control; people who say otherwise really aren't very educated on the matter.|||
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgSUDjJfI0Y|||XD Amra, you've made my day that much better. ^_^|||I found the "busty" in the video description misleading

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