Where do you live? I'd have climate concerns for a newfie because of their size/coat. If you live in Florida I'd recommend no...but if you live in Maine it shouldn't be a problem.
Regardless of what you choose keep a few things in mind: when you get him/her neutered/spayed ask for a gastropexy. This surgery basically sutures their stomach to the abdominal wall; it doesn't prevent a bloat but does greatly reduce the chance that they will. Keep exercise separated from feeding by 2-3 hours. Food bowl elevation is touted by breeders but there is actually no evidence (aside from anecdotal) that it helps anything.
Giant breeds also tend to be less active so taking one hiking, etc. might not work out like you hope. A big dog might be better suited for that but the heart wants what the heart wants. Keep him/her fed a giant breed specific puppy food for at least a year; they grow for a much longer time than other breeds so need the extra nutrition. Stay away from "all life stages" foods and don't go for the hype of "all natural" or "mostly meat" brands. Brands like Purina, Science Diet, etc. are all extremely well-researched foods with high quality control; people who say otherwise really aren't very educated on the matter.
Thanks for the info...I knew about the surgery for bloat. I have heard to crate them after eating for an hour or so to help with not getting bloat.
Our hikes are not all that long since I have an eight year old who don't have the stamina for long hikes...two hours tops for a hike.
I live in NE Ohio so there are only a few months out of the year when heat may be an issue but we fish so swimming is readily available to a Newfie.
I have been wanting a dog for quite some time so I am researching the best breed for our family. Must get along with cats. Must get along with kids. Must like walks and water. I am not going to get a dog willy nilly because I want one.
Newfies are expensive so it would be a bit before I can get one. I have to have enough for obedience training, the surgery cost and to have someone show me how to groom her.|||Our family had a border terrier. Can't say anything bad about her. Quite calm breed, in my opinion. Not that I have experience with any others, though.
Raising is the key with 'em.|||Quote:
We had a huge Golden Retriever,
Problems? Be prepared for a dog that can - and at first, will - grab food straight off of tables or counters. Ed also did this thing where he would scooch closer and closer to you if you had any food and eventually get close enough that he could breathe on it. Popcorn during a movie? Be careful.
If you tell them no to people food at all times and give dog treats as a reward when training, people food is a not a problem with any dog I have ever seen.
feeding time for a pack of dogs|||http://diablo.incgamers.com/forums/s...8&postcount=14 <--- My ex-kitten

http://i.imgur.com/TNPNB.png <--- My Toy Poodle

My fiance has the English Bulldog *Piebald* & 2 x Great Dane *Blue & Harlequin*
My vote for the Blue Great Dane

What I seen and been told by him "Due to their health concern"
He runs/walks with them *Daily: Least 20 to 30 minutes* + really strict diet $$$$
(He told me he had 4 more GDanes >,.< few died from bone cancer /
heart issue / chest issue)
Great family dog for sure *Just too strong for me*
Oh yeah~ His English Bulldog = Vacuum cleaner *Seek & eat* >,.<|||Quote:
http://diablo.incgamers.com/forums/s...8&postcount=14 <--- My ex-kitten

http://i.imgur.com/TNPNB.png <--- My Toy Poodle

Nice pics of a master and his human pet

If you tell them no to people food at all times and give dog treats as a reward when training, people food is a not a problem with any dog I have ever seen.
True the vast majority of the time. I've had a dog who never once in her life received table food yet begged worse than any other dog I've seen and would sneak something if she had a chance. My current dog, on the other hand, will receive a french fry occasionally (on the rare chance that I eat them) but doesn't beg at all. I think the main concern of the poster you commented on was the size of a dane since they can grab things off a table with ease.|||Quote:
If you tell them no to people food at all times and give dog treats as a reward when training, people food is a not a problem with any dog I have ever seen.
He wouldn't try to take the food, that was the weird part. He would just sit and stare at it, but the fact that he was breathing on it was enough to ruin any appetite. I don't think he really knew what he was doing, just that it sometimes magically made us give him food. I don't think he ever quite figured out just how big he was.|||I've been wanting an Akita dog for over a year now. Waiting for it to go over but it just gets stronger. They seem so cool.|||Quote:
I've been wanting an Akita dog for over a year now. Waiting for it to go over but it just gets stronger. They seem so cool.
Kick *** dogs neighbor has one.
Super nice

Very trainable
My neighbor's rock too so it's a good fit|||Grr tiger attack - kitty no like
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