Monday, April 16, 2012

I wish Israel was in Canada - Page 2

too late now, should've done that after WW2. Now they're all close to the dome of the rock/temple mount and they're salivating over rebuilding the temple, which will only cause more wars.

You'll never get them out of there now.|||Quote:

You must be referring to the water that the state of Israel is denying the palestinian population right?

oh how often have i heard this?

there is an old russian/jewish saying, it goes kind of:

"if there's no water in the taps,

must be due to jewish rats"

Blame everything on the jews. Instead of minding their own **** they find excuses for their own failure.

quote wikipedia:

"even though Israel withdraws some water from these areas, it also supplies the West Bank with approximately 40 million cubic metres annually, contributing to 77% of Palestinians' water supply in the West Bank"

So, yeah god damn those greedy jews not supplying pelastinians with 100% water.

But I guess wikepedia is bought by the jews right?


On the open thread silliness scale, this is a magnitude 9 one.

Thanks man, I'm still working on impovemnt though |||Quote:

If He's Pro - Zion As I can't use the J word here either.

It's spelled j00z.


oh how often have i heard this?

there is an old russian/jewish saying, it goes kind of:

"if there's no water in the taps,

must be due to jewish rats"

Not only that, but it's mind blowing because the malevolence from all the other countries towards Israel is staggering. No imports, no air travel, &c. - more or less a continual state of blockade.


Blame everything on the jews. Instead of minding their own **** they find excuses for their own failure.

I always find pictures handy, since antisemitism seems to go hand in hand with learning impairment. You know, like the luxury shopping malls in Gaza, or the "before & after" of Israeli deserts? Particularly considering the massive amount of U.S. tax money going to Hamas, aka the Palestinian Authority.|||Quote:

No matter how much you argue, everytime israel comes up in the news it ALWAYS raises the question of israels legimacy.

It does?

I am not sure how you came to that conclusion. |||Quote:

It does?

I am not sure how you came to that conclusion.

This might help. Somewhat astonishing considering the source, as well.|||good idea, relocating populations was never the source of the problem or anything, lets just keep doing it and arbitrarily redrawing the map, its worked so far|||Quote:

good idea, relocating populations was never the source of the problem or anything, lets just keep doing it and arbitrarily redrawing the map, its worked so far

Well, Ash, bear in mind that there's <some> value in it, which is why the communist types in CA and NY are screaming their little pink heads off about their loss of Congressional representation due to shrinking population.

Because, after all, the Berlin Wall was built to keep people out of East Germany.

If Israelis wanted to relocate, they could. Many do, some not very far from my supported sites. Quite a number of orthodox j00z hold dual citizenship, as do even a few of the atheistic communist ones.|||Quote:

This might help. Somewhat astonishing considering the source, as well.

I liked this part which seems very truthful.


Those who thoughtlessly attack Israel no matter what it does and thoughtlessly defend Israel's enemies regardless of what they do, are making peace far more difficult. They incentivize terrorism by Israel's enemies and disincentivizes compromise on all sides.|||Quote:

I liked this part which seems very truthful.

Like I said, considering the source it's remarkably even-minded. Sadly, his allies are likely to just ignore this as some sort of racial hiccup and just keep on shouting "DETH 2 DA J00Z" at the top of their lungs.

Oh, and for both you and Galabab, from the "delightfully hoist on their own petard" department:


At a radical left-wing coffee shop in Washington, D.C. last month, Code Pink founder and “Freedom Flotilla II” passenger Medea Benjamin woefully recounted the moment she realized her boat, the Audacity of Hope, wouldn’t be legally permitted to leave a port in Greece to sail to Gaza.

“There was something called a ‘complaint’ that was put against our boat,” Benjamin explained to a crowd of anti-Israel activists stuffed into the back room of the restaurant. “Well, it didn’t take long for somebody to uncover that the person, or entity, that lodged the complaint was none other than this right-wing Israeli law center based in Tel Aviv, that knew nothing about our boat and certainly had no interest in the passengers’ safety.”

Awww, wassa mattuh, poow wittle hatefuw, viciuws commie suddenwy fownd out that wayews work bowf ways?

Why am I completely unsurprised that a pro-terrorist boat is named after a speech from Rev. Wright (un-originally cribbed from MLK), turned into the title of the ghost-written (by Billy Ayers, or someone else?) book "by" THE ONE.

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