Monday, April 16, 2012

Weirdness in dreams

Just wondering what other people have for dream weirdness.

Things that happen consistently in my dreams:
  • No sense of taste or smell.

  • Able to read things. (Most people say they can't read anything. At best, something like the big "M" on a McDonald's sign is recognizable, but the rest will be garbage.) I've even read entire books that only exist in my dreams.

  • Massive back story. Some of my dreams have seemed to last only a few minutes, but when I wake up and remember the dream I have boatloads of information. If the dream was a page or two in the middle of a book, the connected information would make up the preceding couple of chapters.

  • Major weirdness regarding flying: I have had only one dream that I have flown in a face-down (Superman-style) position. There have been times that I have had the ability to fly (wings, jet boots, rocket pack, etc.) but some reason or another (tied up, indoors, close woods, etc.) prevent me. If I am flying, it's in a ship, plane, flying car, or (long story as to why ) a magical flying toilet. (If you want to know, vote now.)

|||My dreams tend to be really freaked out and weird at times. Although I can occasionally remember tastes in dream, not that often though as I rarely eat in dreams, if ever.

Reading books? nope, but I've asked people of things I wondered in real life and got answers that seems sound and such (although they are most often confirmed as false)

Flying? hmm, I never flied myself in a dream, but I have had an extremely odd read including flying sharks.

An odd thing that tends to happen in my dreams is that I sort fo "forget" details in the middle which I remember at waking up. Like: "hmm, wasn't it summer at the beginning of the dream and winter at then end?" or "hmm, what happened to that guy in between those scenes"|||Yay, another poll leading to a different thread.

As for the topic at hand, I've had several dreams like which you describe. I can remember what I read, most of what is said, and details about things other than people's faces usually. I am curious about this 'flying toilet' dream of yours. :laugh:|||I'm not so sure about this flying toilet part. I mean, that smells like flying poo, and for all I know we will all soon have to carry umbrella's.

I always have weird dreams, sometimes nightmares. Sometimes when I wake up it takes me a while to adjust to the real world again.

It's usually then that I run late for work....|||I remember flying in a dream in a Peter Pan style of flying.|||Quote:

I remember flying in a dream in a Peter Pan style of flying.

After you showered yourself with Tinkerbells dandruff?|||I've never died in my dreams though, no real nightmares at all. My brother finds that odd as he often dies in his dreams, although maybe his state is more worrying than mine. Any psychoanalytic that can declare him insane for me?|||I often have weird dreams - I've had such gems as one that involved falling 10,000 feet from a plane, trying to figure out where the reset button on life is, before making a perfectly soft landing on top of a mountain - only to look over at another mountain and see a whale flying out from behind it.

Years ago I had a recurring dream that involved being trapped in some underground catacomb thing with a bunch of people from school who used to bully me, and some insane murderer. He always got everyone else last, and I always woke up as soon as he caught me.

Most dreams I have, however, involve flying... via large dragon wings that come out of my shoulders. I love those dreams.|||Whats always strange is when you try to run in dreams, especially when you have a lucid dream, you can feel yourself trying to run, but its as if you just CANT run, but only go at a sort of jogging pace (the only way to describe it is like a computer game, where your pressing the run button, but because the computer is slow, you end up sort of jogging).

Also every time i have a lucid dream its always a few minutes/seconds before i wake up.

My dream last night was very strange.

I was going on another holiday to mexico, and the hotel was this vast complex with a canal through it. I remember it was utterly butiful, We went to our room and it was this small complex of cave like tunells, i went in to retreive our stuff (which was there before us!) and as i was walking out it got smaller and i ended up crawling out this very small tunnel.

Then it turned into a box full of bottles, which i then put the hotel manager into (who was a rat).

Then we went to another room in the hotel, and then i was looking down into the room in a sims type view, the house was now in a valley of mountains with the roof off, and a huge flatscreen tv in the middle of the room, and it was playing a 5ish second film over and over again (cant remember what), then i woke up.


Eat that Freud|||I'm usually aware I'm dreaming and wake myself up if I don't like the dream. If it's particularly scary and I'm unable to wake up then I start to panic and my attempts to wake up are more frenzied but that's only when someone is chasing me or I'm hiding and I know they'll find me very soon.

When I can't wake myself up I scream as loud as I can so my boyfriend will here me and wake me up but I'm aware the scream is very quiet in the real world, like my mouth is all gluey. He's told me it's a murmur, sometimes just mumbo jumbo but other times I'm clearly saying 'wake me up!' He always does thankfully.

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