Thursday, April 12, 2012

Left or Right spacer.

[:1]What thumb do you use to hit the space bar? Left or Right.

I use my right. Left-hitters are mutants, in my opinion.|||I apparently use my right thumb.|||I use my left.|||I had to test, but I do use my right hand. Now the real question is what hand do you use, if you get my drift.

EDIT: Evrae, you're a mutant. Probably all those radioactive should get that checked.|||Left, of course! Is this connected to me being left-handed, or is it random?|||Quote:

I apparently use my right thumb.

Vote immediately.|||Wow, I'm a mutant!

I wonder what special powers i'll get...|||left index finger|||I use both thumbs, it depends on what the letter i typed before the space bar is.|||I use my index fingers.

Infact all my typing is done using only my two indext fingers.

The way I seem to type is that the right index finger covers all of the keyboard except QWE,ASD,ZXC which the left one covers.

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