Leo, I didn't know it snowed in Texas O.o I always thought it's too warm for snow there.
This is me in an awesome purple hoodie

And, Boogy, yea I actually don't play that bass anymore. I accidentally left it in one of Berklee's practice rooms up in boston =[[[ (long story, don't ask lol)
But I've acquired a new one.
that one, actually|||I see, I used to have an electric guitar from B.C. Rich but the bridge was annoying me. Also, the neck was attached to the body at a weird angle which elevated the strings above the body making it a bit more difficult to play. Besides, it was pretty heavy. I got this babe instead.|||i love men who can play musical instruments....

Boog, that pic wa taken this past Christmas up at Cape Cod, right outside the house we were staying in. HA! it NEVER snows like that in good ol' Tejas! too hot.|||Quote:
umm... Durf is a white screen? lol!!!
Amra: Link Fail =]
It's working fine for me.

It's working fine for me.

[panto] Oh no it isn't! [/panto]|||Quote:
[panto] Oh no it isn't! [/panto]
didn't work for me either, babe.|||http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/j...zerLXXVII2.jpg|||so many pretty faces!!

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v2...renthuis2A.jpg that's me.
From that angle, you are a near twin to a guy I went to college with.
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