Thursday, April 12, 2012

President Obama's Jobs Creation Speech

[:1]For those who may not know, for the last month or so President Obama has been saying he will make a proposal (speech) regarding job creation and moving the economy forward. This will happen on 8 Sept before a joint session of Congress.

Already there is fighting between the parties. From my chair, the speech is long overdue but that is just me being critical again.

I read this today:

"Republicans have decided they're not going to give a rebuttal to President Obama's jobs speech later this week, a decision House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi took as a high affront to the White House.

Pelosi said the party's "silence" would "speak volumes about their lack of commitment to creating jobs."

"The Republicans' refusal to respond to the president's proposal on jobs is not only disrespectful to him, but to the American people," Pelosi said."

To me it seems she is trying to make this a win-win situation for herself and the democrats. If they had been planning on making a rebuttal, she would be all over them for having a rebuttal prepared prior to even hearing the speech! Maybe I'm thick in the head but how is not attacking the proposal on national TV disrespectful to him? I am sure they will reply over the coming days and weeks (and most likely years).

The other side is not much better:

"After returning from recess, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell picked up right where he left off with a scathing indictment of President Obama's policies just two days before the president delivers a speech about job creation to a joint session of Congress.

McConnell suggested that Obama's address was pointless, given the tenuous state of the economy and the continued high rate of unemployment."

It may indeed prove to be pointless. It may be too little too late. It's probably a move intented to help the President get re-elected. [Can't blame him for trying.]

I'll wait to hear what the president says. Take time to digest it. Then decide for myself.|||Quote:

Maybe I'm thick in the head but how is not attacking the proposal on national TV disrespectful to him? I am sure they will reply over the coming days and weeks (and most likely years).

Because it means that the GOP knows the President has nothing worth saying that hasn't been said multiple times before, and they would look petty to try to rebut nothing. Pelosi wants them to look as petty as possible, since "likability" is the one thing Obama isn't despised for (yet).

I notice you didn't even mention the sandbag nature of the address in the first place. It's pretty pitiful when this is nothing but an attempt to derail the GOP debate, followed up by a cave-in to Boehner, followed up by much foo-frah about incivility when your own minions are calling for violence and war on the TEA Party.


I'll wait to hear what the president says. Take time to digest it. Then decide for myself.

I'd rather watch football, if I watched football. Probably I'll play DDO or Pokemon Rumble with my boy - either are far better ways to spend my time.

Here's the background content of the speech. $300B more graft for his cronies, but don't call it "stimulus".|||Obama isn't significant enough to respond to anymore. Everybody already knows what he's going to say. More of the same. Bush, republican and tea party bashing with calls for even more spending and taxes.|||"Blah blah let me be clear blah blah small business blah blah stimulus package blah blah"

If his speech doesn't include the words "I think we should just get the **** of the way and let people get to work without all this top-down, print-borrow-and-spend, Keynesian number-fudging bull****", then I think he's got my vote in the next election.

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