Thursday, April 12, 2012

So you think you're smart HUH!? - Page 4


As soon as you have an exact definition of the term "intelligence", I will consider comments on the accuracy or inaccuracy of IQ tests. Until then, the IQ describes your skills at filling out IQ test forms.

In part. That Socialist teacher I mentioned passed out some WW2-era IQ tests for non-English speakers, and I was the only one in the class who scored the same level of "IQ" - most of my classmates were moron-level. Why? Because the societal context of the tests. There were things like a "Barlow" pocketknife missing one end, a pig missing a tail, &c. - since most of my classmates were European and American elitists, they had never been near a farm or used certain tools which were commonplace in the 1940's.


In that case it makes no sense to discuss it at all as long as there's no consensus about it. It would be like debating about socialism with jmervyn .

Ah, but Socialism has a definition which, even if you dislike it, has certain quantitative aspects. IQ does not. So when I call someone a Socialist, it means they favor State over individual rights. If I call someone smart, it doesn't mean much of anything.|||@Technomancer

You had a lot of help from family and that's a really good thing. I only had mom and she's a musicologist, meaning I was listening to symphonies since I was born, but about other things her knowledge was limited.

Boredom and frustration can be connected, because if you get really bored, stuff can get on your nerves faster. I have read a good pile of books trying to understand people, hence it isn't frustrating really, just predictable.

It's cool that you have found fields to occupy yourself with. I have hyperactivity to some extent, but no AD. The happier days of my life have been these when I find something interesting, obsess myself with it for some time (weeks to months) and try to find out everything there is written about it. Shame, but I could say that I have put these 10k hours probably only in gaming. I have been so isolated from society, that interaction with other people was too hard/not worth the effort most of the time.

From my observations of like 10 people, it's a usual thing for Aspies to be focused on one thing for years or even lifetime.

If your friend has proof and arguments, maybe he's right. if not, mild delusions

can be signs of schizophrenia.

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