Monday, April 16, 2012

London Chaos - Page 4

Seems this "flash mob" is spreading to other cities around the globe. :-/|||Quote:

This article will brighten your day.

I'm pretty sure I read it linked elsewhere, or something like it. The hee-larious part is that Red Ken is claiming it's due to cuts - that haven't yet taken effect.


Hey now, there's plenty of moral atheists out there. Moral socialists on the other hand . . .

Well, at issue is the self-centered belief system; why shouldn't an atheist go out and steal? It's not like the big, bad FSM-like entity is going to stand in judgement of your actions someday.


It's a direct quote from the story at the link RTFA Arma & JMervyn 4'th Pargraph.

Thanks, but no thanks. Your article was so incredibly biased that there wasn't much cred to it in the first place. Point of fact - many of the rioters are white middle-income yobs. All the pinko grievance mongering is just a pitiful attempt to deny what the end result invariably is.|||Quote:

Well, at issue is the self-centered belief system; why shouldn't an atheist go out and steal? It's not like the big, bad FSM-like entity is going to stand in judgement of your actions someday.

You've either read too little or too much Asimov.


Point of fact - many of the rioters are white middle-income yobs.

And many more of them weren't. Unless with white middle-income yobs you mean black teenagers.|||Quote:

Well, at issue is the self-centered belief system; why shouldn't an atheist go out and steal? It's not like the big, bad FSM-like entity is going to stand in judgement of your actions someday.

Is that implying that the only reason religious people don't loot/steal (and they do btw) is because they're afraid of 'god' slapping them on the wrist at the end of time?

"I don't wanna do anything bad cuz I might get caught!"

Talk about self-centered...|||Its more like: I don't want to disappoint God, than I don't want to get caught.

But I'm not saying that many people don't operate off of the don't get caught idea, it's just not the way I view things.|||Quote:

Well, at issue is the self-centered belief system; why shouldn't an atheist go out and steal? It's not like the big, bad FSM-like entity is going to stand in judgement of your actions someday.

Because it's the wrong thing to do, you don't need a god to see that it's morally wrong to steal. In fact the immoral actions of the biblical god (as written in the bible, mostly old testament) is one of the prime reasons many christians start questioning their beliefs and end up becoming atheists. |||You have to participate in the moral ethical beliefs of the society\community for it and you to work well.

The Golden Rule of "do onto others as you would have them do onto you" works much better than the 11th commandment in the long term.

No god required just reason and judgment

Even Warren Buffet can see that.||||||Quote:

Latin is the very soul of off topic

Love your Sig on that one.


You've either read too little or too much Asimov.

I like him, but that doesn't mean I think he's a demigod. It's like hearing that jackanapes Dick Dawkins, who atheists regard along the lines of their Pope, tell Ben Stein that it's okay to say that creation came from space aliens but not from a deity.


And many more of them weren't. Unless with white middle-income yobs you mean black teenagers.

Reporting that I've seen suggests the mob was truly multi-racial, and that anyone trying to peddle race hatred is a filthy liar.


Because it's the wrong thing to do, you don't need a god to see that it's morally wrong to steal.

You do, however, require a complex indoctrination in morality which atheists absorb from the religious mores they despise so. Otherwise, you very much need a god in order to tell one that they shouldn't steal or kill from the "other". In pretty much the VERY FECKIN' FASHION THAT THE YOBS DID!


In fact the immoral actions of the biblical god (as written in the bible, mostly old testament) is one of the prime reasons many christians start questioning their beliefs and end up becoming atheists.

Yeah, that must be why actual (as opposed to nominal) Christians are falling all over themselves to self-excommunicate. Gee, with so many of us God-fearing folk deciding that we've been rubes and that believers are just <so> inferior to us, you'd expect that we'd number over 2% of the general U.S. population by now. It's not like we've not had the past forty years to scream obscenity and shout "God is Dead" from the rooftops.

Of course, Londoners are <so> morally superior to us st00pid yanks, clinging to our guns & religion - the British population is nearly 40% atheist, which for some STRANGE reason might explain why they didn't give a flying feck about their fellow citizens.

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