Monday, April 16, 2012

London Chaos - Page 5


You do, however, require a complex indoctrination in morality which atheists absorb from the religious mores they despise so. Otherwise, you very much need a god in order to tell one that they shouldn't steal or kill from the "other". In pretty much the VERY FECKIN' FASHION THAT THE YOBS DID!

So the only thing standing in your way of becoming a looting, raping murderer is God's wrath? That's interestingly self-centered from you... and scary.|||I'm just glad it's settled down. I feel bad for some of the innocent people who died because of some jack***es feeling the need to be violent. It's one thing to loot but its another thing to hurt innocent people.|||And looting doesn't hurt innocent people? Maybe it doesn't leave a bruise, but when you are out of work because the store you work at got cleaned out by these assholes, you'll wish they had just punched you in the face instead.|||Quote:

I'm just glad it's settled down. I feel bad for some of the innocent people who died because of some jack***es feeling the need to be violent. It's one thing to loot but its another thing to hurt innocent people.

Cause robbing someone from his livelihood doesn't hurt him at all right...|||Quote:

And looting doesn't hurt innocent people? Maybe it doesn't leave a bruise, but when you are out of work because the store you work at got cleaned out by these assholes, you'll wish they had just punched you in the face instead.

QFT and X10 + pick a integer higher than 1.



I like him, but that doesn't mean I think he's a demigod. It's like hearing that jackanapes Dick Dawkins, who atheists regard along the lines of their Pope,


He is smart and interesting but....

I like a Personal relationship with God based on reason and odds |||Tiger attack|||Quote:

You do, however, require a complex indoctrination in morality which atheists absorb from the religious mores they despise so. Otherwise, you very much need a god in order to tell one that they shouldn't steal or kill from the "other". In pretty much the VERY FECKIN' FASHION THAT THE YOBS DID!

Are we disusing the emergence of morality, or the need for a god to pass it along within a society? Also are we discussing the need for a physical or a psychological god?


Yeah, that must be why actual (as opposed to nominal) Christians are falling all over themselves to self-excommunicate. Gee, with so many of us God-fearing folk deciding that we've been rubes and that believers are just <so> inferior to us, you'd expect that we'd number over 2% of the general U.S. population by now. It's not like we've not had the past forty years to scream obscenity and shout "God is Dead" from the rooftops.

You're making it sound as if leaving your religion is an easy thing to do. From what I've heard in the US there's pressure both from family and society to stay religious. Family, friends, employment ... at least I know for a fact that telling your family is hard.

Most likely there's many who do not wish to call themselves atheists despite having lost their faith in god, a large portion probably keeps going along with their previous lifestyle and keep their disbelief a secret.


Of course, Londoners are <so> morally superior to us st00pid yanks, clinging to our guns & religion - the British population is nearly 40% atheist, which for some STRANGE reason might explain why they didn't give a flying feck about their fellow citizens.

The 40% number you speak of for the UK must be the number of atheists plus other "non-religious", not just atheists. You just used only the number of atheists while speaking of the US, if you wished to use the corresponding number for the UK you should most likely be using a number around 17%:

Numbers aside, are you trying to condemn atheists as a large part of the rioters or as a people who only watch crimes take place without doing anything? In either case I doubt you've got accurate statistics to support either claim, but feel free to prove me wrong. I've not seen any statistics regarding the religious background of those arrested in the riots, nor any such statistics regarding the volunteers who decided to help the police by protecting their own neighborhoods.


Since conceptions of atheism vary, determining how many atheists exist in the world today is no easy task.[18] According to one estimate, about 2.3% of the world's population are atheists, while a further 11.9% are nonreligious.[19] According to another, rates of self-reported atheism are among the highest in Western nations, although also to quite varying degrees—United States (4%), Italy (7%), Spain (11%), Great Britain (17%), Germany (20%), and France (32%).[20]|||Quote:

So the only thing standing in your way of becoming a looting, raping murderer is God's wrath? That's interestingly self-centered from you... and scary.

See, you've perfectly demonstrated my point. Atheists are inherently self-centered, and have problems comprehending the concept of selflessness without personal gain as an underlying component to morality. It's probably thanks to the B.F. "daughter's in a box" Skinner thought, that people are programmable computers and have no soul or divine spark.

God's wrath <doesn't> stand in the way of my becoming a looting, raping murderer like these atheist, socialist filth. While Muslims would fit within this claim of yours, Christians and j00z are the primary religious tenets which believe in helping and even loving "the other", rather than the mirrored downside of the 'golden rule' and questionable applicability to those outside the 'tribe'. It's the reason Western civilization achieved the highest degree on earth, while socialist, atheist countries never really got above upper-third-world levels (and Muslim ones barely make it to second-world for the most part). Nevertheless, those countries with organized, coherent religious and moral underpinnings remain coherent where those with secular, atheist ones often crumble. The Northern European countries are generally the socialist counter-example to this, but the uniformity of their populace and morality is similar to that of Japan - they may not have a belief in a deity as the core civilizing factor, but their social mores are deeply imbedded.


He is smart and interesting but....

Have no idea; can't view the clip due to filtering.


Are we disusing the emergence of morality, or the need for a god to pass it along within a society? Also are we discussing the need for a physical or a psychological god?

A. Both and B. Psychological. Problem with psychological gods is when they are the State, rather than something more nebulous like Enlightenment or Nature.

Question A with specificity is something I've never heard an atheist argue credibly enough. I fully accept that <some> atheist socialists, particularly self-important post-modernist game-playing yoof writing on Off-Topic Forums for various games very well could be more moral, upstanding citizens than I. No, this isn't a jibe at you, if you're wondering.

However, I find it FAR more plausible that these gamer yoof simply have an elevated, arrogant opinion of themselves and their moral stature, and that they are in reality very little from the yobbos who were forcing bystanders to strip in the street during the riots. Humans like to think well of themselves, but the atheist, socialist mob has pretty much nothing to recommend them. Funny how Ann Coulter just wrote a book about the Left's predilection for mob behavior; I wonder if she's psychic?


You're making it sound as if leaving your religion is an easy thing to do.

It is.


From what I've heard in the US there's pressure both from family and society to stay religious. Family, friends, employment ... at least I know for a fact that telling your family is hard.

Yup, we're all just a bunch of bitter clingers here in the sticks. Gib big brek, plskthx. Plus, there's a world of difference between someone who is atheist/agnostic and the snotty little shytebirds common on Internet forums who come out of the woodwork whenever religion is mentioned to deride and preen over their oh-so-enlightened hateful attitudes towards believers. Believers, of course, being Christians - Muslims are scary so they're not discussed. {now, where did that uke: smiley go?}


Most likely there's many who do not wish to call themselves atheists despite having lost their faith in god, a large portion probably keeps going along with their previous lifestyle and keep their disbelief a secret.

That's almost certainly not the case in the U.S. My mother is an agnostic, and likely an atheist, but she attends church, possibly more regularly than <I> do, because of the social aspect. In an increasingly de-personalized world, churches remain the heart of many communities - which, of course, is why socialism tries to destroy Christianity when it cannot be suborned.


The 40% number you speak of for the UK must be the number of atheists plus other "non-religious", not just atheists. You just used only the number of atheists while speaking of the US, if you wished to use the corresponding number for the UK you should most likely be using a number around 17%:

From what I recall, the numbers were of self-identified belief in no diety or spirituality, which was 40% for Britain. Yes, the American numbers jump to about 17% when you lump in the New Age types.


Numbers aside, are you trying to condemn atheists as a large part of the rioters or as a people who only watch crimes take place without doing anything? In either case I doubt you've got accurate statistics to support either claim, but feel free to prove me wrong. I've not seen any statistics regarding the religious background of those arrested in the riots, nor any such statistics regarding the volunteers who decided to help the police by protecting their own neighborhoods.

I'm simply condemning the breakdown of the traditional culture, which is inherently a socialist and atheist endeavor. I figured people who don't want to face facts will take refuge in a demand for "scientific" evidence, and insist on not considering any other factors.

Were you there, and did you get any good loot?


See, you've perfectly demonstrated my point. Atheists are inherently self-centered, and have problems comprehending the concept of selflessness without personal gain as an underlying component to morality.

The problem is just that you do a real bad job in explaining it. I'm not sure how you make the leap from "not looting" to "selflessness" as very little action is required to not do something.

Personally I think you just got a little bored with the muslims and want something new to piss at.

Have fun!|||jmervyn, you speak as though traditionalism is working just fine, and changing things leads downhill. We need to try superior methods as they come along, as many people are doing quite poorly with the old ways imposed on them.

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