Monday, April 16, 2012

Quitting a job

I just aced a job interview. They actually called me on my way home to offer me the job. They were impressed by my outgoingness, knowledge of computer programs and most of all...I looked at their website and knew their product before the interview. I will be paid $3.00/hr more than what I am making. There are monthly and yearly bonuses for attendance. They have an HSA that the company contributes $38.00/ month to. And I get to wear jeans, t-shirts and my hiking shoes!!!

I absolutely hate my current job. The company has changed for the worse since I started and all the promises that have been made went unfullfilled.

Part of me wants to give them a notice because it is the honorable thing to do but a bigger part of me wants to give them my keys and tell them to shove it. As far as references go, they do not give positive or negative references, they only verify employment dates. I hate my manager and one of my co-workers so screwing them over would greatly make my day. Both of them take advantage of my work ethic and neither one of them do anything but sit all day while I run the teller line.

So, give a notice or just quit?|||Giving notice is usually the best way to go. I always leave a job on the best possible terms, you never know when you might need a job again. Burning bridges looks like fun at the time, but is childish when you look at it rationally.|||I would rather die than to go back there.

You have no idea the amount of crap I put up with. I had a customer drool all over my counter last week. Not only did he drool, he smelled like pee. Those are the types of people I have to deal with and I am not in the health care profession.|||Quote:

I would rather die than to go back there.

You have no idea the amount of crap I put up with. I had a customer drool all over my counter last week. Not only did he drool, he smelled like pee. Those are the types of people I have to deal with and I am not in the health care profession.

If you going to call what you do a profession then be professional.

Never burn a bridge if you can - think of it as the place that got you experience and motivated you to find a better job. and thank them with a smile for working with you, then say


Two weeks is nice or Less if they get a replacement if you can.

Out here in CA we have no legel reason to give it and if they don't offer 2 weeks severance it can be excused if your new job requires you to start before then

Wait till you get the written offer and accept in writing first though.

I'm NOT A Lawyer or lying|||As others have said, no need to go burning bridges. People talk, whether the company has a policy of giving references or not. How you quit your job will reflect on you.|||Apart from that, you should have a look at your work contract. It probably has a passage about periods for cancelling it. If you break the contract, e.g. by not showing up anymore, they might sue you for the losses suffered from your unannounced absence.|||I think you asked a question you already knew the answer to, as tempting as sudden irresponsible behavior is, you know better|||Being in the financial industry, it is SOP for our bank to just tell people to leave when giving notice. And that is what happened. I worked today but that is it. The only reason they had me work today was because there was no one else to come in to relieve me. Our employee guide states that the company has the right to immediately ask one to leave when notice is given and no compensation will be granted for the notice given. I knew they would just tell me to leave but I really just wanted to hand in my keys and say "screw you".

I start my new job on Weds.|||Well, it's just an employee guide, i.e. some piece of paper on which a few crows have left their footprints.

First, you only mention what the employer is allowed to do, not what you can do. Second, if your contract says otherwise, then things are otherwise, no matter what's written in that guide.

With other words: Be careful!|||SOP for that is they cut you a check in full before you get out the door or they do owe compensation for every day until they do.

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