Monday, April 16, 2012

Quitting a job - Page 2

I set my Walmart bridge on fire and roasted marshmallows over it after getting hired by my current job. But I'm now quitting that job and will definitely be putting in my two weeks notice, loved the job but when you got offered over double with complete job security you have to take it.

Bottom line, if the company treats me humanly I give my two weeks. If not, then why give em the time of day.|||Quote:

Giving notice is usually the best way to go. I always leave a job on the best possible terms, you never know when you might need a job again. Burning bridges looks like fun at the time, but is childish when you look at it rationally.

This. You never know when you need a job again, need a good recommendation, or if future employers will call up your old employers to see if you gave notice. Some employers DO check.|||Quote:

I would rather die than to go back there.

You have no idea the amount of crap I put up with. I had a customer drool all over my counter last week. Not only did he drool, he smelled like pee. Those are the types of people I have to deal with and I am not in the health care profession.

hey, we were talking about that earlier tonight! long story short, old high school memory of this one fight where the girl urinated on the other. no, im not kidding.

if it helps at all, i had to check out this couple one time back in April or early last month. they were nice, but OHMYGAWD THEY SMELLED TO HIGH HELL! and not patchouli (i actually don't mind patchouli. i've grown very accustomed to it. ^_^), but sweaty old gym socks with no deodorant. and the money they handed me was super gross! it was damp, felt nasty to touch! *shudder* i had to hold my breath a few times while checking out their supplies because he or she or SOMEONE smelled so bad!


I start my new job on Weds.

congrats! good luck!

and i know you already start so this is probably not needed, but give a notice. i gave a week notice for my last restaurant job (not too long, but long enough, esp. compared to their high turn over rate) and i was just so ready to be out of there. and, maybe because i went to go work for their "rival" and lied about it because i wasn't comfortable telling them where i was working, idk, but i've gone back to eat there and see some old friends and the GM AND OWNER treated me like ****. after that, i started to wonder if they gave me a bad review (?) for potential jobs. |||Quote:

i started to wonder if they gave me a bad review (?) for potential jobs.

Ring up and pretend to be a potential employer checking up a reference. If you don't think you can pull it off yourself, get someone you trust to do it. I've done it before when I was having a dry spell and it turned out that the reference was actually very good. It was me the employers didn't like! Bummer that!|||not a bad idea, Nix. thanks! ^_^|||many jobs have a policy of not giving a reference other than confirming that you worked there for such and such dates and your job title|||it's not the company that you want to leave on good terms with, it's the employees who could end up anywhere that you knew when you were there. that's who you don't want to burn a bridge with. in banking, all we do is talk about this stuff. word gets around.|||and the auto industry... i have heard from a guy who works in the industry. ;P|||Quote:

This. You never know when you need a job again, need a good recommendation, or if future employers will call up your old employers to see if you gave notice. Some employers DO check.

That is the slave mentality. Are you gonna be a slave and let people sit on you, or are you gonna forge the future with your hands.|||Quote:

many jobs have a policy of not giving a reference other than confirming that you worked there for such and such dates and your job title

This is because of a fear of lawsuits - a past employer can open the door for retribution if they bad-mouth you. However, that's not an obstacle to the malevolent HR or manager type; they're sure to be able to communicate that they hated your guts in some fashion.

I've only had one bad employer (most were mediocre with decent immediate supervisors, considering they've been Gov't). I provide the phone reference number, but I suspect the line may have been changed to a modem when I left; someone phoning for reference is likely to never get an answer and unless they're <really> trying they're likely to move to other (preferable) references.

Still, never quit in a huff; it makes you appear to be the childish one. What I've always thought would work nicely with a shyte employer is to go on vacation and sick leave once you offer notice. Preferably you would be going out the door as they suddenly find all sorts of absolutely essential things to do before you go (I generally have worked IT, and that has proven the norm for me).

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