[:1]These days I'm less cranky so it's unlikely to reoccur.
Children still throw themselves in front of my bike. Why?!|||Maybe they get a kick out of their moms yelling at strangers. Idk why, but when my friend's dad calls some service for tech support and starts getting annoyed, it is the most hilarious thing to listen to XD
Beside the fact that I am one myself, I don't like kids -.-|||Yeah Women who can't do anything else so they have a kid.
Wow the one thing they manage to do on time in there life
(although not without complaining the whole time)
and invoke the Mom Authority ID then try and use it on everyone, all the time..
I told her that if the kid had died, she could just have made a new one, as this one obviously didn't mean that much to her if she let it run straight onto the road and that anyways, the process of making a new child might do her sour face some good.
I bet that sounds sexy in Dutch Vi|||
I hate when people don't look where they are going while walking.
I hate when groups of people think they need to walk side-by-side down a sidewalk.
What makes the above two worse is that when you hold your ground they look at you like you are the ***hole. You know what? I'm watching where I'm going and I have as much right to be on the sidewalk as you do. Stop thinking that I will move out of your way because you are too stuck up to move.
And yes, I've even knocked down women who won't move. I'm fairly solidly grounded.
Add a cell phone into that equation, drives me blanking insane! I have to resist the urge to punch these morons in the back of the head daily. Especially old people, they walk around completely oblivious. You try not to mow them down after the third goddamn time they stagger toward the left/right, whichever way you were trying to go around them!
A-holes that ask, "well do you have any in the back" when whatever it is that they're looking for is empty on the shelf. This is usually followed by, "well can you go look?" when you tell them no. (we actually do have it in the back, it's a conspiracy to drive up prices!)
Morons that swear they bought a product they're looking for "the other day" at my store after I tell them we haven't carried said product for two damn years! ("the other day" is roughly equal to two years though so it all balances out I guess)
People that bring their whole damn clan with them to buy a loaf of bread. You've seen them, the loud obnoxious group that walks side-by-side down every freaking aisle touching everything. Usually scarfing down ten pounds of chicken from the deli that they have no intention of paying for as they discard the bones on the floor or nearest shelf.
Their window-licking, mouth-breathing hellspawn screaming bloody murder as they run amuck and open/slam all of the doors as they stroll through the frozen section.
Now that I think about it, I could've summed all this up with, "people that shop at walmart" and been done with it.
Oh yeah, I forgot about fat people that ride in the electric carts and ask you to reach everything for them because they can't lift their fat *** out of the cart.|||Quote:
Add a cell phone into that equation, drives me blanking insane! I have to resist the urge to punch these morons in the back of the head daily. Especially old people, they walk around completely oblivious. You try not to mow them down after the third goddamn time they stagger toward the left/right, whichever way you were trying to go around them!
A-holes that ask, "well do you have any in the back" when whatever it is that they're looking for is empty on the shelf. This is usually followed by, "well can you go look?" when you tell them no. (we actually do have it in the back, it's a conspiracy to drive up prices!)
Morons that swear they bought a product they're looking for "the other day" at my store after I tell them we haven't carried said product for two damn years! ("the other day" is roughly equal to two years though so it all balances out I guess)
People that bring their whole damn clan with them to buy a loaf of bread. You've seen them, the loud obnoxious group that walks side-by-side down every freaking aisle touching everything. Usually scarfing down ten pounds of chicken from the deli that they have no intention of paying for as they discard the bones on the floor or nearest shelf.
Their window-licking, mouth-breathing hellspawn screaming bloody murder as they run amuck and open/slam all of the doors as they stroll through the frozen section.
Now that I think about it, I could've summed all this up with, "people that shop at walmart" and been done with it.
Oh yeah, I forgot about fat people that ride in the electric carts and ask you to reach everything for them because they can't lift their fat *** out of the cart.
hahahaha! best. post. ever. when i was at school last year, i had a friend work at Wal-Mart in the Electronics section. his managers were idiots and the people he dealt with irked him so much.
i was actually at Wal-Mart this past saturday night looking for nails; nails to hang pictures and stuff. so, im in the hardware section and i see hammers. i see plastic mallets. do i see nails? hell ****ing no. i looked up and down the hardware aisle, the paint aisle, the lamp aisle, even the automative aisle and i could not find those little bastards. to make things worse, not only was i already agitated because i could not find nails, there was a baby that was screaming bloody murder and would not shut up! i think he was on the opposite side of the store and i could hear him clearly. would not shut up for 15 minutes (idek if he ever hushed). it was even more nerve racking and never had i wanted a cigarette more than that moment. luckily, im in my dormant stage of smoking, so i went home (WITHOUT the nails), ate a little bit, drank some coke, went to bed.|||Lol gotta love those helper people at Best Buy who know almost nothing about the things they are selling. The fact that they are still employed there shows to me that the customers know jack **** about what they're buying in the first place so, I guess people with knowledge of the products aren't really necessary. I remember going to Best Buy with my friend and his dad. I wasn't really looking for anything, but my friend's dad wanted to buy a laptop hard drive so he can put it in a USB case and have a portable HD of small size. The problem arose after he bought the case and realized that it only accepted the older ATA hard drives so we had to look specifically for those. I was walking around the store and told them I'll be looking at other stuff meanwhile they get the HD. About a half hour later I started wondering where they were and if they were able to find the hard drive. If you'd believe it, they were still in the aisle with the hard drive looking for the right one but apparently this time they some chick that worked there trying to help them out. I stood there for about 5 minutes looking at the painful sights of a Best Buy employee trying to help out a customer to no avail. The reason why she couldn't find the old ATA hard drive is because that's exactly what she was looking for. She was looking for a hard drive with an ATA port. D: D: D: D: All hard drives have ATA ports; however, working around that stuff, you should probably know that the older ATA ports were actually called Parallel ATA ports (aka PATA) and the newer ones were called Serial ATA ports (aka SATA). -.- Of course this didn't even matter anyway because you can tell the difference between the two by looking at the picture of the hard drive on the box. The older ports look like so:
And the newer ones look like so:
That's a significant difference in look. I skimmed the shelves with my eyes and in a matter of seconds found a suitable one for the case that we were trying to equip. I take it off the shell, hand it to my friend's dad and say "Here you go. That's what you're looking for." The lady looks at me baffled and asks me "How do you know?" To this day I can't believe I said "Because I'm not an idiot." I gotta say though, it was satisfying as hell -.- Those people really shouldn't be hired there. Pathetic.|||......ignore, double post.|||Quote:
hahahaha! best. post. ever. when i was at school last year, i had a friend work at Wal-Mart in the Electronics section. his managers were idiots and the people he dealt with irked him so much.
i was actually at Wal-Mart this past saturday night looking for nails; nails to hang pictures and stuff. so, im in the hardware section and i see hammers. i see plastic mallets. do i see nails? hell ****ing no. i looked up and down the hardware aisle, the paint aisle, the lamp aisle, even the automative aisle and i could not find those little bastards. to make things worse, not only was i already agitated because i could not find nails, there was a baby that was screaming bloody murder and would not shut up! i think he was on the opposite side of the store and i could hear him clearly. would not shut up for 15 minutes (idek if he ever hushed). it was even more nerve racking and never had i wanted a cigarette more than that moment. luckily, im in my dormant stage of smoking, so i went home (WITHOUT the nails), ate a little bit, drank some coke, went to bed.
^...and changed your avatar. Again! I liked the previous one better.|||Quote:
Yeah Women who can't do anything else so they have a kid.
Wow the one thing they manage to do on time in there life
(although not without complaining the whole time)
and invoke the Mom Authority ID then try and use it on everyone, all the time..I bet that sounds sexy in Dutch Vi
I'm all for mothers who have children and love and take care of them but do not make their children the center of everyone's universe.
I don't think I ever sound sexy. I do however sound completely different in Dutch - since my English evolved it's almost like I now have two personalities: my normal Dutch one and a sharper English one (mild Irish accent)
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