Monday, April 16, 2012

Top-down RPGs: What art style do you prefer, square or diamond?

I've always been a little torn on this and was wondering what you guys thought about top-down 2D RPG games using square maps/graphics (north is 'up') versus games using diamond/diagonal maps/graphics (north is 'upper-right', or rotated 45 degrees, also referred to sometimes as '2.5D'). It's not so much about the games themselves, just the visual perspective. Examples of square would be like NES and SNES generation RPGs like Final Fantasy and Zelda, and diamond seems to be more common in PC RPGs like Diablo.

For myself I always liked the original square look and felt odd at first with the diamond layout, but have grown accustomed to it and recognize some of the benefits. I've been thinking about it more lately because I've been thinking about redoing my old game engine that I abandoned a couple years ago. It was square based, but I'm a little torn on what direction I should go in if I pick it back up. If it was JUST me, I might be about 51/49 in favor of square (bonus for it being slightly easier to code and make graphics for ), but if I ever want to sell something, it's obviously about more than just me and my old-school tastes.

So what do you think? Does the square-look make things look clunky and old to you? Does the diamond-look feel unnatural and odd? Feel free to use positive descriptors too, I was just making examples. |||I like HEX

|||It depends. If you're playing with a d-pad or keyboard arrows, the diamond floor is disastrously awkward, but with a mouse I guess it's Ok. Omg, remember Q-Bert? 99% of your deaths come from not knowing which direction to push.|||Hex is cool too, but it's always been a plain 3rd place finisher to me. I guess I'm partial to the 8-direction thing. I guess regardless of square or diamond alignment, it works out to being octagonal. 8-sides > 6-sides! Hex does help to break the monotony though.

LOL! Yeah, Q-Bert was a mess. Another one that was screwed up like that was Marble Madness! It took me forever to get that down, and when I go back and play it now, it takes me until I've done beat 2-3 times before I become comfortable with it again. |||I'll pretty much just reiterate what's been said already. I think I do prefer the old 2d style, but I really don't mind the other so long as you use a mouse.

Marble madness was horrible for that, as well as solstice. It made the nes games look cool, but I will always pick function over beauty.|||I think a futuristic strategy (Sim City type) one called Utopia (?) for SNES and Populace had the diamond layout, but if reaction speed doesn't matter, it can work.

I'm reminded now of Smash TV for SNES where the diagonally arranged buttons (A,B,X,Y) fired the guns. What a nightmare. I quit!|||Quote:

I think a futuristic strategy (Sim City type) one called Utopia (?) for SNES and Populace had the diamond layout, but if reaction speed doesn't matter, it can work.

I'm reminded now of Smash TV for SNES where the diagonally arranged buttons (A,B,X,Y) fired the guns. What a nightmare. I quit!

its so much fun to play those games with dual analog now though|||Quote:

It depends. If you're playing with a d-pad or keyboard arrows, the diamond floor is disastrously awkward, but with a mouse I guess it's Ok.


If you're going for aesthetics, the diamond looks more dynamic and interesting. Of course, a great art style can make either look good.


Pesky barrels.|||Quote:


If you're going for aesthetics, the diamond looks more dynamic and interesting. Of course, a great art style can make either look good.

FFV and FF Tactics!

That's one problem with me though, I'm not much of a visual artist (some may disagree, but whatev' ), so ease of creation is a bonus too. At a minimum, sprites need 3 poses in 2D (up, down, and right which can be mirrored) and 2 poses in 2.5D (down-right(or left) and up-right(or left), both of which can be mirrored. For sprites, 2.5D would be easier. For map graphics, the style is completely different between the 2 styles and 2D would likely be MUCH easier, I would think.

Movement would be both keyboard and mouse, so it's something of a wash there.


Pesky barrels.

"Top-down"! I c wut u did therr!

I also see your pr0n stash...

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