Monday, April 16, 2012

Top-down RPGs: What art style do you prefer, square or diamond? - Page 6


Agh! No Rhombus!! *falls out of chair*

lol, I've only played one game like that years ago (I can't remember what it was atm) and something about it (lack of spatial symmetry) just drove me crazy and I didn't play it for long. Just looking at that screenshot kinda makes me dizzy. I do think it's kinda neat though, it does add a new, interesting feel, but I just can't do it for whatever reason.

Well, i always found "Rhombus" perspective to be stuck between square and diamond. In a bad way - as if a fledgling art student couldn't nail down perspective...

The game in the screenie i attached is Divine Divinity - never played it, the only thing that interested me in it was actually the whole "Rhombus" thing going on there. I remember that it also had outstandingly bad art going with it. As you can see in the screenshot, it's your typical isometric RPG graphics, doing their job good enough, but man... those art pieces were so awful...

Speaking of Diamonds - not sure if anyone mentioned Nox - one of my favorite hack'n'slashes over the years. Had amazing PvP and a pretty neat singleplayer. Not to mention that it actually wasn't a diablo-clone

|||Personally, I prefer the diamond, just because I'm so used to Diablo, but I imagine if you're not using a mouse to move it can get confusing.|||ElBozo! You keep posting these pictures that are messing with brain! That one is angled too far up, it's making me scared of heights!! I like a slightly lower viewing angle more like this:

Avernum 6 from Spiderweb Software

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