Oh man, like I said above, I just don't have very much time atm (and not sure when I would) to put much in on anything, what I'm doing now is just getting the scraps. I tried to get involved in a thing like that 1-2 years ago and it kinda fell apart because of time. I'm fine with giving my own thing the scraps, but I hate the idea of doing that with other people. I think I'd have to disappoint at some point if I said yes, so it'd probably be best to "just say no".

We're targeting 2 different languages too atm, but if you have any questions or problems, I'd be happy to try and help you out though, just PM me!

BTW, I have no experience with pathfinding.

|||Well, I'm making this project back in C++ with SFML actually. I'm building virtually everything from scratch again so I'm going to be rehashing a couple of things. I might make the tools with Java though so I'm probably not going to be done with that language yet XD
Alright then, that's too bad you won't be joining our project XD If you need help with the said pathfinding, you know where to PM me =D|||Hmm, I wonder if there are any other guys like us around here. I was just wondering if there would be any point or use for something of an "Official Game Development" thread?
I've also wondered about some sort of D&D Battle thread...

We almost had one a few months back.|||I think Mara is also a programmer. We could always have a go at that kind of thread but I'm not sure there would be any use considering there is a fairly popular forum dedicated to just that (speaking of gamedev.net).|||I always wanted to get into game design and the concepts/writing aspect of it, but obviously, programming takes much time out of one's life, even just keeping up with the way computers are progressing. Chances are, you can be a great artist or a math expert, but not both at once.|||To be frank, I've never really thought about game design or any of the artistic role really. I've always understood logical things best, so programming, math, and all that good stuff I guess came much easier to me than the more abstract, "feel-based" things such as art, music, or such. I am a good writer though, as my teacher suggests (you never know if he's just bs'ing me not to ruin my fragile confidence), but I just lack to motivation to do anything with that. A quick write to maybe draw my thoughts on paper but that's a rather rare thing. I'm pretty square

|||Well, let me know if you want a few ideas in the way of story and characters for your "RPG-ish" project. I'd be happy to have my name somewhere in the credits on the journey to fame/immortality.|||Is there an option for Rhombus?

And regarding the perspective, i'm fine with both tbh. Probably more leaning towards diamond. But usually depends on the game and how it handles perspective.|||Quote:
Well, let me know if you want a few ideas in the way of story and characters for your "RPG-ish" project. I'd be happy to have my name somewhere in the credits on the journey to fame/immortality.
haha will do if we get to that part

|||Agh! No Rhombus!! *falls out of chair*

lol, I've only played one game like that years ago (I can't remember what it was atm) and something about it (lack of spatial symmetry) just drove me crazy and I didn't play it for long. Just looking at that screenshot kinda makes me dizzy. I do think it's kinda neat though, it does add a new, interesting feel, but I just can't do it for whatever reason.
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