Monday, April 16, 2012

Top-down RPGs: What art style do you prefer, square or diamond? - Page 4

"As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a discussion involving porn approaches one."

- Modification of Godwin's Law|||I think Poe's Law is kicking in, .


Poe's law states:
“Without a winking smiley or other blatant display of humor, it is impossible to create a parody of fundamentalism that someone won't mistake for the real thing.”[2]

That's why I always use a Smiley

Crispy Hexagons are best.

|||Oh Bob, you and your giant pictures!

Poe's Law is especially important to me because my style of humor generally involves caricature or behavioral irony, and those things do not convey very well without muchos smilios!






Hey Boog, have you looked into programming for the Android platform? I was looking into it recently and saw that it's done in Java. I have no experience with Java, but since you're already using it, sounds like a natural fit. I remember you talking about trying to jailbreak an iPhone a while back so you could do stuff on it.|||Quote:

Hey Boog, have you looked into programming for the Android platform? I was looking into it recently and saw that it's done in Java. I have no experience with Java, but since you're already using it, sounds like a natural fit. I remember you talking about trying to jailbreak an iPhone a while back so you could do stuff on it.

I did have a look at it actually I had a look at it with intention of making something for my Android phone, but I was busy working on my platformer so I only scraped the surface of the API making a simple Hello World app and running it through the simulator. Now that the platformer has reached the end of its misery (I've scrapped it because I didn't really make any noticeable progress in such a long while that I just don't have the motivation to even open NetBeans anymore), I might have a look into it again.

From the looks of it, the Android API has a [vaguely] similar approach to programming GUI's as the iOS aside from using a less diabolical language. Man, Obj-C has one hell of a hectic syntax. I've went through such hell trying to even get the SDK set up (but I did eventually omitting virtually all of Apple's roadblocks) and then I gave up trying to pick up the language T_T|||I've never played with Objective-C or iOS development, since I avoid the plague like I do Mac computers. I'll probably need to break my reluctance at some point though, so I can release my other software on Mac. Obj-C, from what I have read, has a few features I thought sounded pretty neat, but I can't remember them off the top of my head. Android seems like the up-and-comer mobile dev though, it seems most of the other phones use Android now.

I've actually been trying to restructure my old game engine. Man, it's awesome seeing how much more awesome I am now than when I wrote that rat's-nest! |||From what I understand you need to use Obj-C to interface the native API's of Apple, but if that's not your intention you might get away with using a cross-platform library and cross-compiling >.> When it comes to iOS though, you gotta use Cocoa with Obj-C and that's about the end of it. Obj-C is mainly dominant in Apple land and doesn't find much use outside of it, but if you're more of the masochistic nature, you can always have a look at GNUStep.

Looking back on the good ol' noob days is always fun I've started programming with C++ but I've decided to have a go with Java and to be frank, for a one-man-team it sure delivers one heck of a productivity factor If you haven't used it, I suggest you take a look ;D|||Yeah, I wouldn't need Obj-C for my purposes, I would just need a Mac or Hackintosh with XCode. :/ For me, the idea of developing mobile apps is purely a business one, I don't own anything past a basic cell phone and don't really have any interest in them, but if I could port some things like games to mobile platforms, hey MOAR MONIES!!

I was actually warming up to Java a while back and was probably a few months from trying it out, but around May, I got a ransomware virus from a banner ad that had been able to install through Java in my browser. It even got past my firewall and av, and messed my system up so bad, I had to do a full bustout. I had *****in' backups and I finally moved up to Win7 x64, which I actually like quite a lot, so it wasn't a total loss, but it did chill my feelings toward Java a little bit. I have Java installed on my computer, but I went through and COMPLETELY scorched the earth, burning all references or access to the internet out of it, so there is no way that could happen again. I may still give it a go sometime, but I've just got too much other stuff on my plate right now, I'm just trying to play around some atm. |||I've attempted a Hackintosh solution on 3 computers (my main desktop, crappy laptop, and my friend's computer) and only my main desktop supported it. I couldn't even get the installation started on the laptop or my friend's PC. They were all running Intel CPUs like required and I'd say my friend's CPU was even more modern than my own so I don't understand why that didn't work. But in the end, it's still a hack and while development could be done on it, it really doesn't work like one would expect the good ol' Mac OS to work. I guess after years of one-size-fits-all Apple hardware solutions, the developers got pretty used to their 'ssembly hax if ya know what I mean. But hey! you never need any drivers that's for damn sure! (only kernel extensions)

I'll be frank, I never really thought about the browser plugins (aside from on occasion when I play minecraft). On my Linux system, it's painfully slow (the IcedTea plugin is, the one from Sun works fine) and frankly, I couldn't do much with a browser game when I was done anyhow, so I always went with developing for the desktop. If you want, you can always disable the Java plugin and if you were on linux you could just get rid it.

Starting up my RPG-ish game as well (so far the graphics style is the least problematic XD), the scripting portion is giving me some interesting challenges. I guess I'll have to look through some compiler theories and parsing/lexing. The parsing/lexing isn't gonna be that big of a problem since I've already made a somewhat competent parser in Java so I'll just have to port it, but it's limited to calling pre-defined functions and provides virtually no syntax checking (as the scripts were produced by the level designer). Luckily for me, having tackled the task before, it shouldn't be as much of a problem improving on it I'll race you to the finish line! We'll see who finishes their game first :] Inclusive with functional menus! (you get a head start cuz I'm in the process of playing a game on my PS1 and fallout so I probably won't see any code for a good week or so >.>).|||Mwahaha, a race is it?! Ok, you win. No, seriously, you will probably win cause I've got so much other stuff going on I can just do little tidbits here'n'there. I'm still trying to clean up my rat's nest. Halfway through a major overhaul and, atm, the map doesn't draw and the character doesn't move and I don't know why. My OO coding skills are a constant work in progress! I used to do all kinds of crazy cross-talk (still do some) that I'm trying to undo, but everything keeps breaking! |||You know, I just got an idea. In the past project, I kept complaining I needed another programmer to help me with my work so I thought... maybe since both you and I are working on an RPG, maybe we could join forces on the project? I got a friend who's total pro at composing (he wants to be a composer anyway so I guess he ought to be) so he could make our music for us. We could split some workload and we'll get things done a lot more effectively! What say you?

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