Thursday, April 19, 2012

An act of immorality or compassion: A mother selling herself to support her children? - Page 5

I made the mistake of being born poor white trash. |||Quote:

Or she could become a maid or janitor and feed her kids twice a day.

Or she could become a part time janitor and feed the kids once a day. After all, Bortaz had one meal a day for a long time and see how he turned out. I say whats good for Bortaz is good for the rest aswell!|||Quote:

I made the mistake of being born poor white trash.

Hey man! We are related.


EDIT: I must say, this is the first time I've ever been compared to John Kerry.

I know you have this thing that is unpleasant - you know, thinking for yourself - but I find it peculiar that there have been a great many people who essentially agree with you on many an issue but occasionally on a thread seek to talk down to you. Not referring to this situation in particular, but it's happened before. :wink3:

Talk about isolating oneself from one's support base.|||Ah, well, it takes all kinds, I guess.|||Not immoral|||Quote:

If she becomes a prostitute, and gets AIDS, and dies, leaving her children without a it still compassionate?

The risk of that depends where in the world this is happening.


Compare the prevalence of AIDS among prostitutes to the number of security guards who are shot, please.

I would like to see those figures. Again, depends on the location.


Ya'll are all talking like being a whore is her only means of making money and feeding her brats.

It might be.


Or she could become a maid or janitor and feed her kids twice a day.

If she could get said job and if it would pay as much as prostitution (ie, enough to feed, clothe and shelter her family), I'm sure she'd take it.


To die trying to protect what you love? Yes that is the height of compassion. The lack of compassion comes from the AIDS carrying man who knowingly infected her and those that would have no sympathy for her.

I agree with Yoss again; my, this is novel.


It's sad to say, but this time Don is right

I'm as surprised as you. Cupcake? They have sprinkles.



I live 4 miles from a 3rd world country.

I thought you lived in Texas.

Another triumph...

P.S. Yeah, Mexico ain't a third world country.|||Have you been to Mexico? Parts of the place look just as third-worldy as anything I've seen in Indonesia or Thailand.|||I could say the same of Dandenong...

It's more like second-world, isn't it?|||According to Catholic dogma it's immoral for a Catholic to ask this questtion.

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