Saturday, April 21, 2012

You're an animal! - Page 4

*is a slug*

Slug slug.|||A slug might not've been the best move Mika. Just watch out for people with salt in the compound! >_>

Also don't slime'y up the place please. |||Quote:

That's me, no 'Squatch sightings round these parts, m8.

Oh yeah, you live in non-Squatch Canada. My mistake.


Techno, awesome pic! thanks!


For something like a cat it would sort of be location dependant though. Say you were a cat in some small town in Asia where you were caged and sold for your meat, or a stray cat in some third world country, as opposed to being a cat in America where you're treated like royalty.

Most (if not all) animals have at least one predator, even if it is humans. Although some are much better off than others.

It will work by roll of the dice. One cannot choose the parents or place of reincarnation. So if there are far more cats skinned in Asia than in caring homes across the globe, Leo is taking a big risk. Maybe puppies have better odds b/c they are actually useful to humans once they grow up and become guard dogs, sled dogs, hunting dogs, etc? Even in poor parts of the world, a dog's size could earn him a job and meal...or a dog fight in a gambling ring. Then again, if it's excitement and glory you seek at all costs, a dog fight or *rooster* fight might be something you hope to roll!

Lots of things count. You might want to have the highest chance of one particular thing, or be successful enough in many areas (like the sloth) at the cost of fun abilities. The "human" choice someone made sounds grand, but is kwashiorkor something you want to risk? It might be better to get eaten by something right quick than have a mother shoo things away while you slowly starve. Can anything else be more aware of its suffering than man?|||i would NEVER EVER put salt on Mika! I'd giver a pink little bow and everything! ^_^

altho, when i was 12, i did put salt on a slug. sorry, Mika. i killed one of your ancestors. |||white people put salt on everything

its ridiculous|||I prefer soy sauce.

And you know...I think I will go with a giraffe, just because I am pro Lamarck and a fan of epigenetics.|||Don't pour salt on me! I'll cry! )':|||That's what she said.

(RE: title)|||

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