Saturday, April 21, 2012

You're an animal! - Page 2


G1 ofc|||do i have to choose from the lion and the bird? because if so, i'll be a lioness. hey, they're like the top of the food chain.

if it's an animal if my choosing, i'd be a kitten. THAT SPITS FIRE! i'd be a good guard kitty. |||you didn't tell us what animal you will be, stillman|||I would like to a slug.|||Chupacabra.|||Quote:

do i have to choose from the lion and the bird? because if so, i'll be a lioness. hey, they're like the top of the food chain.

if it's an animal if my choosing, i'd be a kitten. THAT SPITS FIRE! i'd be a good guard kitty.

You get to pick the animal (from real life), but of course you must suffer w/e the animal lives through along with the abilities!

I would choose a bird, b/c flying at will would be great (or would it? They have delicate honeycombed bones and must eat a huge amount to support the energy cost of flight. Would flying be uninteresting work like walking? Probably.)

Sorry, no fire for kittens. And you would grow up to be a prowling, promiscuous cat like the others. But you could land safely from high drops (without even thinking!), hunt, detect storms, etc.|||I've had it up to HERE with your RULES

|||^Ha ha, oh come on, "assume reincarnation" is only two words worth of rules.

Parasites are unavoidable (unless you BE one or are too small), but lifespan is something you'd want to think about. Hey, I didn't invent the animal kingdom.

Edit: worry about death too. Worry about it!|||I heard that a few sponges can get 10000 years old, but (a) they have no eyes, ears, hands, legs and brains and (b) their metabolism is running in slow motion, so I guess it's too boring to be worth considering.|||Real talk - Great white shark

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