Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Debt Ceiling Solutions - Page 3


If they stop SS and medicare so what not like I'm Counting on it...

At least my parents get some of it.

If you date from the 60's your still getting ****ed|||Even the people I know irl are not speaking well of Obama...|||Quote:

Failure to raise the debt ceiling will not cause the US to default on its debts. That's like telling the credit card company that if they don't raise your card limit, you won't be able to make your payment this month; it makes no sense.

I can just agree to that. However, you can only get things solved in a certain manner if you have enough time for doing it like that. Unfortunately, not enough was done when there still was time to prevent it.

The US need more time. They can buy more time, but it comes for a price, just like everything. In this case it's a lower credit rating end even more debts later. I hope that everybody has learned from it, so once they've bought the time, they should really start at solving the problem and if it means slaughtering a few holy cows, like that cocaine budget, then do that, for god's sake.|||Quote:

I hope that everybody has learned from it, so once they've bought the time, they should really start at solving the problem and if it means slaughtering a few holy cows...

I echo and appalud the idea but I'm not holding my breath. More often than not it takes a catastrophic event to wake people up. Plus there is the issue of party politics. That is the real disaster. Some would rather wreck the economy rather than fix it and see Obama get credit and re-elected.|||Quote:

Plus there is the issue of party politics. That is the real disaster. Some would rather wreck the economy rather than fix it and see Obama get credit and re-elected.


Both the GOP in the House and Obama are trying to look good for their respective constituencies, which means for the GOP presenting crazy, unrealistic plans and for Obama playing up how much he wants to reach a deal. What neither of them are saying is how little they are willing to compromise. Look at that "Cut, Cap, and Balance" horse****; It is the three things the far right wants, with no compromise whatsoever. If this is the sort of thing that keeps getting proposed we, the American public, are hosed.

Personally, I think there can be no salvaging our AAA rating without some cuts in spending, restructuring of entitlement programs, and tax increases. Yes, tax increases. Our government is out of money, and in two weeks they won't be able to borrow any more. The country does need to make every effort to spend less than it makes, but at this point we cannot not-spend our way out of it. That would definitely give us more money in a few years, which is great, except that Moody's cares more about us paying now than our ability to pay later. To this end, some increases in tax will have to be made, though they will probably come in the form of getting rid of old tax cuts. Yes, that does suck, but it sucks less than the alternative.

PS: I can't for the life of me understand why so many freshmen representatives are trying to take on not only the White House and the Democrats, but also their own party. The GOP are tearing themselves apart.|||Even the talk of raising taxes ticks most people I know off..but not the reason that you would think.

Most, including me, do not want to give "this" government any more than they alrdy take becasue they cannot for the life of them spend it wisely. And raising the dept ceiling, wth?

We've sucked on spending so much, I don't even know why its in the news about this. They will get their way, they will raise w/e they want, and will continue to screw up most likely.

I've got nothing good anymore to say about Rep/Dems, it's all crap.

Wish I could contribute more to this thread, wish I could be more informed about our entire situation in this country, but frankly it pisses me off when I see rich boy's who haven't work 1 hard damn day in their lives tell me how to do what with my money, and how I should trust them with what money they force outta me.

Let it burn! My soul is prepared, how's yours? "points at all politicians"

|||Does anybody know from whom is US government going to borrow money?|||Raising taxes is such a bad idea on so many levels right now that I cannot take anyone who suggests doing so seriously without them giving me a very convincing argument as to how and why. Its not just because of the practical or moral issues involved. Even if taxes and the economy worked the way they do in left-wing-fantasy-land, raising taxes would still be a bad idea. Reason being its another scheme to buy time to fix the problem. Buying time IS the problem.

Every time these people get more money or time to fix the problem, they just dig us even deeper into trouble. Give them more time, they'll spend more because they don't have to worry about the debt until later. Give them money and they spend it all in less than a week simply because they have money that can be spent. They are all, republicans and democrats, irresponsible spoiled children. They should not, must not be given any more leeway if we are to expect them to fix the budget problem.|||Oh, the economy is working fine in our fantasy land. We just sold a few hundreds of Airbus planes to the US, a lot of tanks to Saudi Arabia and all of the world wants our machinery .

Whatever, I agree that taxes aren't all of the solution. However, the US has too many debts and debts are to be paid back. The debtors don't care how you do it. The US are the people, so the people have to pay the one or the other way. As said, there are more holy cows in the minds of the US politicians than you might be able to afford. You can cut social welfare or pensions, but e.g. in Germany, the party which would dare to cut pensions will lose the next election with 100% certainty. That's one of our holy cows, but we can afford it... yet. Pensioners are very active here and politicians fear them a lot. The vote of a poor or old person counts as much as the vote of a millionaire in an election. That's not socialism... or is it? |||Quote:

Does anybody know from whom is US government going to borrow money?

We have pretty much run out of people we can borrow money from. Even China isn't too thrilled with the idea of loaning us more money. Thus, the next step is hyperinflation, if things continue as they are. That's going to be a lot of fun.

Hey, maybe that's the solution to the obesity problem! Not only will people not be able to afford much food so they eat less, but they'll also get plenty of exercise lugging wheelbarrows full of cash down to the grocery store to buy what little food they can get for it.


Whatever, I agree that taxes aren't all of the solution. However, the US has too many debts and debts are to be paid back. The debtors don't care how you do it.

I'm pretty sure that they'd care just a little bit if we paid it back by making the U.S. dollar more valuable as toilet paper than currency.

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